Autumn Beauty

I know I’ve been silent here on my blog for a long time, but I want to apologize. I lost my grandpa in May and have had some personal things pop up, but I plan to be here each week. Thank you for your support, it really means a lot to me even through the difficult times in your life.

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Isn’t it amazing how fast time is passing by? Autumn is almost here and I love to see the leaves change and magnify their beautiful colors. The Earth really paints a picture each fall and then the sad part comes… then after a short period Winter knocks at our doors and the beauty goes away.

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Don’t you just love the cool breezes this time of year brings? Today is one of those days here in Virginia. Cool Breeze, light rain; good reading weather in my opinion.

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LIfe would be so much better if we’d just let things go and enjoy our time more. (hmmm…) Maybe I need to practice that more in my own life. Go to a place where the stress disappears and we reconnect with nature. We get caught up in life and forget to realize the beauty around us and the people we care about.

You’ve probably been wondering what I’ve been up to lately? I’m working on a new Christmas novel that I hope to release to the world sometime in November. It’s book two in my Seashell Mystery Series. (Drum roll, please…) The title of the book is Snowy with a chance of MURDER. Have you been wondering what Julie Parker and the gang in Ft. Lauderdale has been doing lately? They’re busier than ever with the upcoming Christmas holiday. I’m working on the cover at the moment and hope to give you a peek soon. Stay tuned for more details.

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I’ll leave you with this great quote from Elizabeth Lawrence. Have a great week, and I can’t wait to see some of the leaves change and show their wonderful colors around my neighborhood.

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